Sunday, December 29, 2019

Ayy, more shit

I think the best part of this is the boobs. Butt... then again, I think the best part of life in general is boobs.
Yes, I do actually art, I swear.
Just takes two-thousand-and-thirty-two years.

Fun fact: I actually had to draw this in Krita rather than my totally legit copy of ToonBoom Harmony because I'm using my MacBook, so that's why the lines aren't as... I guess smooth and vector-y...? as the other post.

Also, I dug out the Intuos tablet after like, forever, because the MacBook I got for Christmas this year is actually the one without the ports to plug shit into. (I mean, at least it has a headphone jack.)

So I had to kinda sorta figure out the Intuos again.

...I kinda miss using my Cintiq, now that I think about it.

You know, as an artist, one of the tips that everyone, and I mean everyone swears by is "shade in purple and set the layer with the purple to 'multiply' because it looks better", and for years I just shaded with black, or went through the effort of making layers for each colour of the drawing and then shading in a darker version of the colour that the layer I was on was for.
You might be wondering why.
The answer is because, well, I tried this once in Photoshop, and it didn't work as well as I hoped, so I had deleted the entire shading layer and vowed to never shade my art with that specific tip again.
Apparently it's a different layer blending mode for each program, as I've learned today by accidentally setting it to the "Luminosity" setting/mode/whatever the hell rather than the "Multiply" one, and it looks better than I expected it to.

And yes, my artstyle is, in fact, slowly starting to lose the whole "No noses but a giant lip because that happened sometimes in Eddsworld and I thought it looked super cool but I wanted to draw it all the time for some reason" thing that I did.

The nose, despite not being the whacky lip thing, still looks like you could shank a bitch with it, though.

I'll have to fix that shit later, lol.

This image was taken on an iPad. Then I sent it to myself over a message app, then downloaded it onto my MacBook.
Really not much to say about this besides "it is the sketch".

The sketch sucks, my handwriting is weird as fuck, that's all you need to know about this image.

And yes, I really did sketch this out on the 27th. It just took me a while to actually finish the full drawing because, well, ya know. It's art. And that shit takes forever.

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