Friday, December 25, 2020

oh huh wow the blog isn't dead i guess

just wanted to show that this dumbass art blog's still (probably) a thing.
i just haven't had any motivation to do much of anything recently.
my room's hell, well... more than it already is. trash all over in addition to all my shit being scattered around. i haven't opened my curtains for longer than a few minutes in what seems like ages, since the sun feels like it's so bright that it hurts my eyes for any longer than that... also because i have the curtain right up where i want it to be.

honestly i don't have a clue why i still update this blog, i don't ever do anything worthwhile anymore and the only person who views the damned thing is my mother. i'm thinking of finding some way of blocking her account from viewing this though because i want to be more open and use this as a general purpose blog rather than exclusively an art one.

i feel like total shit this year, though i was already feeling bad enough pretty late into last year so it's not like i'm one of those dipshit 'demic-depressies, as i call them (though the whole "zomg don't go outside ever pl0x" thing keeping me trapped here in hell with my shit family doesn't help things much).

not to mention that seeing the same few things all day every day with no variety tends to make you go a little nuts... god, anyone else develop imaginary friends to keep them company this year? i made up two.

i've been paranoid about basically everything too, my fear of what's lurking in the dark (thanks, literal years worth of reading creepypastas. [eyeroll] ) has almost become a full-on obsession with trying to hide from things that aren't there even though conciously i know that the only thing making the hallway floorboards creak is my clumsy stepping.

hey, did you know i've had a few days recently where i didn't leave my room at all, save for getting myself refills of milk? yeah, wasn't a fun challenge like i kept saying i wanted to do, i just couldn't muster up the energy to do my usual shtick about fucking everything up and not caring what people think because i'm supposed to be having too much fun with it.

my dysphoria's pretty bad too, i stuck my trans pride flag over the mirror in my room just because i didn't want to even have the possibility of looking at myself in full for a while there (and now i'm too lazy to move the damned thing)
i've also been binding less safely, there was that period of a few weeks where my ribs hurt every time i turned or breathed because i had my binder on for so long.
god, i should get to the fucking point instead of rambling on and on about nothing, right?

so to make this short, i guess what i'm trying to say is i feel like total garbage and i have lost all will to do what supposedly made me so happy... so why the fuck should i care anymore?

anyways, have some old fucking art pieces i didn't bother to try and put up here yet

first up:
an au where everyone is switched basically at random but the show still focuses on edd, matt, tom, and tord as though absolutely nothing happened. edd switches with jon and tom switches with eduardo... eduardo and jon are switched w totally dif ppl tho but i forget who currently, i'll have to check.
this was started as a drawing w tom/tord switched but i forgot to switch edd/matt too so i was gonna replace him with jon but i kinda zoned out while sketching and just sorta left edd in and then i realized starting my own dumbass au off that premise was a perfect excuse to draw tom with eyes so i did that and yknow

it looks like total shit though so make of that what you will

this is actually a screenshot redraw, the original is here:
smooshy tordle. precious tordle.
i should get like a fucking award or something for simultaniousely hating everything about legacy and yet still managing to like tord in it somehow.

and then:
he do be squeeshin da tommee doe
another worthless idea inspired this. this time it was "what if instead of tom's bass in that one scene it wtfuture it was his plush bear instead"
and so then i drew this fucking abomination

original screenshot:
you know you've lost all interest in doing something when the only time you get ideas is when you're copying other people's stuff.


this is all for a long while, i hope.
i'm writing some fanfics too but i don't really care to put either of them here.
and for anyone who might be slightly interested - slime climb will be done whenever i stop fucking moping around uselessly, i guess.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 31

 Okay, even though I kept being late and then setting the post dates back so it looked like I wasn't late, I really fuckin' enjoyed this year's inktober. This was really fun, and I actually liked some of the stuff I drew for this year, haha.
Right, now, onto this year's redraw of this:
I seriously don't know how I managed to make the wing look that fuckin good but either way I like this one. In fact I like this one so much that I put my name into the background wall scratches. It's behind Mary's head, a bit cut off but it says "Lance".

 I think this is the first time in a while that I blurred the shading on a piece that I did, and I really liked how it turned out!
And yes, pizza-logo tablets are now canon to Welcome To Cartoonia. Why? Because I can.
Also, yesterday's has Sarah's shirt open really wide and yet also somehow almost impossibly small. The reason is because she was facing forwards and I couldn't have hidden the buttons on there and just having a really low shirt would have looked awkward.
Also, catgirl blep.

Last year's redraw:
aria & silver: [are canonically old enough to have adopted emma, therefore are far older than her] also aria and silver: [appear in the background photograph]

Silver's barely visible but she's behind Mary in the BG picture, there's just a sliver of her visible.
Heh, sliver of Silver.
Sliver Silver.
Silver Sliver?

Super old and kinda derpy but I think that the little heart shaped bit in the hair being small and the funky wings are kinda cute.
Tf was I doing w the tits tho

shit yeah i think it was july 2018 when I first made this since that's when i got back into eddsworld and not too long later i did this and it started welcome to cartoonia. basically i draw this exact fucking image annually lmao

Wow. Two years.
If you asked me about this then I'd've said "it's just a dumb drawing of some girls".
Asked me last year, I'd've said "it's still just a dumb drawing of some girls, but this time I've redone it".
And now look at me.
I'm semi-busy with animating Slime Climb.
I've gained, lost, and re-gained friends. 
I've survived motherfucking 2020 so far. 
I learned Norwegian.
Fuck, I even made my own Eddsworld DVD based off of those old ones that were planned to happen officially but didn't actually ever get released.
A lot has happened since I sat down two years ago and decided I was going to do this.

I had no fucking plans to ever go this far, for a while it really was just a dumb drawing of some girls.
And then I gave them names.

And then the second ever drawing happened.
And then I gave names to Aria, Silver, and Eliza.
And then when I gave them all their names, I decided I wanted to give them backstories.


And then it all spiraled out of control from there.

Now, depending on how much I feel like total ass emotionally on any given day, this is either the best decision I have made, or the worst.
Sometimes I feel like I'm just doing Welcome To Cartoonia out of sheer obligation alone, in fact around the middle of this month, I think it was, I had said in one of my discord chats with my friends that "i'll do the october stuff. i might get slime climb done. i'll post all the old art that never made it up. but after that, who knows?", since I just felt like I couldn't do it.
But instead of giving up, I decided I had an obligation to at least finish inktober.
And I'm glad I did, because even though I felt like my own little world had come crashing down, like everything was falling apart around me and I was burning out and I had lost my creative touch, I went and suffered on through, subconciously taking those long breaks between posts even though to me it felt like I had just fallen asleep and procrastinated.
Despite the accidental breaks, I still felt like I'd lost my spark, and maybe art wasn't going to be my thing after all.
But I realized then
just then
in that moment while I was doing the piece for the 21st
that I never lost anything.
I just felt like I did.
And there is a difference between feeling like you've lost something and actually losing something.
It's really subtle, can you tell?

The difference...

... how long it takes for you to find it again.

Carving pumpkins was fun. I did a hammer and sickle on mine and mum wasn't very happy about it.
I'm not sure if trick-or-treating will happen this year, considering it happens at night, that means there's still time for it to be called off.
I don't have high hopes for it happening.
I did get a massive bunch of candy though, so that'll probably make up for it if trick-or-treating gets cancelled.

Regardless of whether trick-or-treating happens, it'll still be a pretty happy halloween!


I'll see you all next year, hopefully with Creatober where I just do whatever comes to mind first, whether it be art or some other such thing.
Bye for now, then!

p.s. last minute change to my costume: I think I'll draw blood on with a red sharpie, I might not though, we'll see, lol.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 30



this is a redraw

the redrawn thing:
gah this is old and crap bleh
tf was i goin for?
like, the fuckin legs are like fuckin massive i just- what-

the original:
used a base. can't remember from where. sorry.
agh god the hair and the hoodies what the fuck was i doing

one more day left.
how unfortunate. i liked doing this.
see you tomorrow though.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 29

 hehe, eggman and manegg

i don't even know where my mind came up with this i just got like the thought 'eggman, manegg' stuck in my head and i was like 'i gotta draw that' and so here we are we have eggman and manegg

we're almost done with inktober, how sad.
i'll miss this... probably spontaniously decide for most of next year 'i'm not doing it' so then i won't have stuff prepared, then all of a sudden do inktober and suffer, because i suck and have learned nothing from this lmao.

also i made my own eddsworld dvd.
technically a cd but yknow w/ever lmao

that's it for today though.
see you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 28

hehe bby man

tord but he's so small that i had to put my ipad ridiculously close to the page to get this image also his face is kinda like ":D" but like derpier lmao he's adorable i-

see y'all in tomorrows post
jfc i'm tired lmao

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 27


blushhyy edd! bby man, love him too! :D

ig i'll see you tomorrow lmao
bye for now

Monday, October 26, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 26

drawn on the same page as the matt from yesterday lmao
salty floofy boi i love him lmao

see you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 24


1 looks like potatoes because i fucked up hte fuckign lines trying to do thhem in black but the only marker i could find when i was looking was a regular crayola (as opposed to the crayola supertips markers that i also own). also it just kinda sucks. 2 is a bit better but considering the whole pineapples for joints thing maybe not. 3 is my favourite he just has a fuckin island and palm tree for his chest & neck, also the mermaid tail fits considering tropical types are just water types and desert types because deserts are sand surrounded by like no water and islands are sand surrounded by a lot of water so

god i wish i were able to fuckign draw lmao

all for now.
see you tomorrow.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 23

satan's sake this is old.
but... it'll have to do for now.

i hope i didn't already post this.

okay so lil bit of backstory this is like, tord during a zombie apocalypse and then he summoned a demon and got possessed because... he was bored ig? can't quite remember as the roleplay this came from was a while ago. anyways his head pops off because of course it does, like i think tom was trying to stab him in the throat or smth and he succeeded... only to find out that immortal dipshit mc discount corruptom here could pop his head off at will to avoid that sorta shit and then tom ran off w tord's head trying to kill it and tord just kinda silently judged him with his dumbass fuckin head lit on fire because yknow ig that was funny or smth? just really fuckin dumb thinkin back on it now but yea this dumbass tord was a thing ig. god he even has the 'x' in his hair that corruptom had i was fuckin shameless abt him being a fuckign ripoff lmao

obligatory "origami charextr donut steel!!!1!" joke, and... we're done here.

that's all for today though.
i'll see you tomorrow.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 22

 heh, triple twos.
it's the 22nd of the 2nd inktober.

god i suck.

anyways just a quick sketch of elemental!samantha for today.

there was dialogue here but it was dumb as hell so u don't get to see it and now it looks like she's just saying 'a' lmao

is this those monster girls that the anime community is always fawning over? /s

anyways that's all for now.
see ya tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Inktober Two: Day Twenty-one


particularly proud of this one.

Fuck me it's the 21st already?

Also Monster!Tom has so many conflicting explanations in canon (poweredd: it was radiation like how edd had superpowers. post-poweredd, for a while: he's possessed. the end: tord did it. and he left the blueprints in his lab.) that I was like "Fuck it. Time to design an entire elemental AU around an explanation for Tom having a monster form" so yknow maybe expect more content involving this AU soon.

So, the general gist is that there's these sorta tribes of creatures. They don't fight or anything though, they just needed an easy grouping system because consistently asking "yo are you a fire element or just a really red grass element" got annoying so they banded together and were like "yeah i hate having this question asked a hundred times a day" and then formed the creature tribes, I guess they're more like groups though...? idk tbh lmao.
Anyways, in the groups, there are all these different types of animals but your dominant type determines who you're grouped with.
There are a few creatures who were born typeless, basically like normal type Pokemon and some of them are kinda like Eevee and can like become different creatures at will depending on what types they've picked up, and even if you have a type you can learn more types and train yourself into having two dominant types, thus having two groups, most commonly done by creatures who wish to be a part of both of their birth type groups, or having a different dominant type, thus changing from one group to the other, if you so desire.
Anyways basically Tom's mum (the bowling ball) is a Forest/Jungle dual type elemental, but since those are basically just subtypes of the Grass elemental type so them combining doesn't do much, Tom's dad (the pineapple) is a Tropical type elemental (hence the pineapple form since he literally just fell out of a tree, floated off elsewhere, and then accidentally became a creature. yes some types are literally just, like, flavours of Gushers and shit deal with it lmao) and he's a subtype of Water elementals (other subtypes include Swamp elementals and whatever else water related stuff happens to pop into my head at that moment), and so Tom's a Jungle/Tropical dual type, since his mother's dominant type happens to be Jungle despite her appearance since you basically decide what you wanna look like at any given moment and Tom's mum just liked the Forest typing look a lil more so she looks like a Forest type even though her main type is Jungle. The types also work like Minecraft biomes in addition to some of 'em just being like fuckin flavours n shit... idfk it's hella early in the morning rn lmao so just go with it.
Anyways so this is just Tom hatching. His teeny tiny lil claws are poking out from the egg if you couldn't tell, lmao.
And usually creatures figure out their object-y form first (if applicable) but Tom accidentally figures out his human form instead and never does quite figure out how to become an object so nobody's quite sure what a pineapple/bowling ball combination would look like as an object hence why he's basically a human from the start.
And no, there's no batshit crazy stuff like the name "fireheart" or rogue creatures starting edgy blood clans who call themselves scourge who are also related to the main protagonist or anything, as cool as the Warriors books are I gotta admit... that's dumb as hell.

Anyways, I'll eventually design Tom's dad's creature form as well but until that happens, just know: that guy's design is the reason why Monster!Tom's design has only one eye, at least in this AU.

btw did I mention this drawing is supposed to be in, like, a cave? 'Cause that's why everything is so dark and why the background is literally just two shades of brown, the wall and then the floor (ig the floor is also technically in the foreground as well since it's also somewhat above the egg and tom's mum but yknow)

That's it for now!
See y'all tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 20

 sorry, nothing new for today!
just a really old image.
this is ancient. also for some reason this is one of the few images i never posted. i mean there's a v slight potential that i did and i'm forgetting but yknow.

i'll have smth new tomorrow.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 19

 lmao i draw people kissing in basically the same pose every time

this isn't ironic or a meme art i just find tordxtord hot for some reason lmao.

maybe it's because tord could crush me and redleader!tord could also crush me and so yknow i ship it
tord: "fuck, this is strange... but... fantastic."
redleader!tord: "kissing myself... i almost cannot believe it." (though the actual translation for that last bit should be "...i can almost not believe it" but that's rather awkward in english so i've messed with the translation's grammar a bit so it's nicer).
both, inadvertently having the same thought: "i think... i like it."

original sketch:
my pen kept dying that's why there's squiggles all over.

i just realized i forgot to give the tords a blush on the redraw but tbh who cares
i don't, that's for damn sure, lmao.
but yknow

i'll do smth better later i swear lmao

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 18


yes, in case it wasn't already ridiculously obvious from the half-assed erasing of some of the lineart, those clothes were entirely an afterthought to make this post-able. don't judge me and my weird self-insert art.

but yknow.
not a redraw, technically.
the original sketch of this... it did not include clothes, let's leave it at that.
and that is why you do not get to see the original.
that's all for today.
judge me as much as you want this is old content (as is yesterday's) that was either sitting around entirely unshown (again, yesterday) or just now got finished but only one version is being shown (today's piece)

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Inktober Two: Day Seventeen


self insert art? of my own cartoon? from me, a 13 year old boy? it's more likely than you think. [free loneliness check!]


... :(
...this is fuckign ancient and the fact that there's only one eye visible on emma and eliza proves it lmao
been a while. don't remember where i got this. probs deviantart. but yknow.

did i even know what the original joke of this image was? it was like 2016 so probably not.
i still don't get it but that's more a matter of the only things i can come up with being nsfw lmao
also that's not how hair works. or dresses. ig night slash's dress looks okay tho.
that's all for today.
i'll probs have smth better for tomorrow lmao

Friday, October 16, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 16

 this is that better version.
the brush i used for the bit in the bg was actually the 'water' fx brush in krita lmao. is v versatile tho.

does this count as cheating since i'm literally just posting a slightly different version of the same fuckin image as yesterday
i mean last year's inktober i literally spent more than two posts just showing off different sections of one image and then showing the full version so ig it isn't since this one is actually changing smth rather than literally just cutting an image into sections and then giving the version where the image is stitched back together after the last segment of picture is posted

god i can literally barely keep my eyelids open i am totes gonna sleep now

anyways, that's it for today.
i'll probs have smth interestin tomorrow!

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 15

 slight hint: better version coming tomorrow!

also a v smol spider bc mary does that now ig lmaooO-

sarah is quite possibly the only one  who looks like she's just ditched a lame party to be out in a field w her friends lmao
that's mostly because emma and eliza just have regular dresses. they vibe like that. also mary would not have worked w a dress since it'd have to be pointy and yknow that would have taken so fuckin long to draw, lol.

that's it for today!
see ya tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 14

 Sorry, no image today!

Was working on smth, but it wasn't done when today rolled around!

god this image is fucking ancient. mary with no points and worried eliza instead of emo eliza lmao. anyways the jokes here are: emma, pretty obvious, she did a universe. she likes sarah; mary, her 'hoodie = <3' bit is old as fuuuuck, if this were recent i'd've probably said 'literally geometry'; sarah, i don't get the 'serpent' joke but this is so fuckin old mary was round so yknow; basically just her tho; eliza, hella outdated, like her only joke is 'haha she is nervous and scared'. who knows when i did this fucker. it was probably autumn or some shit. all ik is that i couldn't fit 'u r doin me a spooky' when i was making this since my handwritins was so shit at the time (it still is but at least it fits in things) so instead of a joke that makes sense at the top of eliza's it's just 'spook' and i think i was gonna add a 'y' had i not have fallen asleep like three minutes after completing this but yknow.

That's all for today though.
I'll hopefully have smth new tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 13

 Fuck I just realized I accidentally titled yesterday's "day eight" but in my defense I was tired as balls.
I'll fix it after this one.

The thing:
this was in half finished hell for a while because i literally couldn't decide what colour the background should have been. this happened around 2016 as well with an ancient image involving human versions of the Portal characters, as well as Edd, Tom, and Tord. i literally only got the image done in 2018 because i remembered it was a thing i was doing. you'll never see the weird portal/eddsworld crossover though because it's actually fucking garbage. by the way this was my first foray into the eddsworld fandom where i was like 'oh. a guy who is a box, a guy with an emo haircut, an anime dude, and a creepypasta fancharacter' and basically only looked at the fanart and not the show itself and because tom looked like a creepypasta character i hid that i liked eddsworld bc my mother did not like creepypastas and i was scared that she'd get mad at me about tom having no eyes lmao, anyways at the time i had slipped away from eddsworld after a brief stint like that, and then two years ago i got back into it. my first episode is technically wtfuture but then my rediscovery episode was hammer and fail so yknow.

lmao yeet

dunno where i got the base from. probably deviantart. been literal years. sorry.
I love the cake just falling off the table and also the tiny banner that says "wedding or smth". this is trash tho lmao

I'll have a thing tomorrow too!

Monday, October 12, 2020

Inktober 2: Day Twelve.


yep. it's trash.

but yknow.

technically flipnote but i actually finished it in krita so yknow technically not
that's all for today tho.
be on the lookout for tomorrow's.
if i manage to make smth new, that is, lmfaoooo-

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 11

 i should have prepared shit in advance but i literally wasn't gonna do this up until the last possible second so now i really do have to work to get shit out in time lmfaooo-

anyways placeholder day since the thing i'm working on is for the 31st and also i'm working on smth else for tomorrow and i totally forgot to do smth for today, whoops

maybe next year i should start a 'creatober' where i just do whatever. forget a drawing? great, why not write smth. wanna do a song? sure, why the fuck not. do an animation? of course. sculpt smth (either digital or real)? that's a thing you can do. mostly so i can do basically whatever and if i forget to draw smth or some such i could do another thing, but also the internet can't agree on what to call inktober after this one dude who ig was worshipped as the god of inktober decided to do some skeevy shit abt it (trademarked the name and had some overzealous lawyers, abritrarily decided that digital doesn't count, stole some idea from some guy ig) and rather than just going 'oh we'll reclaim it, inktober is ours now' like they say abt literally anything else they all collectively decided to shit their pants in rage abt this guy and now they don't want you doing inktober if you call it inktober and i think that's rlly fucking stupid and dumb but if you wanna succeed on the internet you gotta bend over and take whatever the internet fuckin wills you to like it's a goddamn major tv network because having the freedom to create whatever is dead ig.

uuuuuggghhhhgghhhhhg fuck me inktober is already hell and it's only day 11

so anyways i was gonna use this for yesterday but i finished the thing like an hour before it would've been late (hence the title being 'inktober 2: day 10 (re-done)'. ) but have this for rn ig

see y'all unless i manage to shit smth out for today
unlikely tho
bye for now tho

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 10 (re-do)


that's edd's katana sticking out of the robot's head because tom shooting down tord made no sense since they at least tolerated each other a tiny bit in classic whereas it was really edd/tord and edd/tom rather than tord/tom for the rivalry bit so i changed it. also edd seems more like the kinda guy who would shoot tord, like imo if legacy were written by literally anyone else tom would just be like 'meh. he's got a fuckin mecha tf are we gonna do abt it' meanwhile edd would be like 'no success for you, since you ate the last piece of bacon this morning, fucker'.

original screenshot:
fucking ew, it's legacy. also i am trash for the end because of the implication of redleader!tord who could canonically be strong enough to crush me lmaooo-

that's it for today, with only an hour left in the day too!
see y'all.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 9


i hope i didn't already use this

sorry, no image today.

the thing i was working on isn't finished yet.
have an ancient piece of trash for now

all for now ig.
see you tomorrow

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 8

 my cintiq's cord started workin again yaaay
 i still need a new cord tho since this one's all finnicky.
 but yknow

this was simultanieously an excuse to draw edd w fluffy monster form fur and an excuse to draw edd in a skirt.

i regret nothing. 

i'll see y'all tomorrow

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 7

 Without BG:

tiddie. that is all.
 half deer, half chick, all precious.
With BG:
using a picture i took in an image i drew. feels kinda self-jerk-y but meh.

jayfeather joke goes here

oh wait she isn't blind.

but yeah. art ig.
see y'all tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Inktober Two: Day 6

 now you must suffer
fun fact that nipple was literally the first thing i coloured after exporting this off flipnote. second thing if we include the red of the sweaters. (but i did that on the dsi so it's more a 'general coloured in things'.)

 bby man. has a gun.
 and his bby man friends.
 wholesome men.

that's it for now.
tomorrow will also have smth.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Inktober Two: Day Five

 ffs the post titles are inconsistent af lmao

i can't fucking believe the lineart and blood was done on a dsi but w/ever ig
that is all for today.
stay tuned for tomorrow's drawing.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 4


tord matt fusion. he has gun. :)
this came out like trash but at least the body looks okay ig

technically edited since i coloured it but y'know.

That's it for today!
See y'all tomorrow!

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Inktober 2: Day 3


Monster!Tom. Fluffy bby  boi. You could pat his head.

There's three colours here.

But I did this in Flipnote Studio 3D, not Colours! 3D.

I honestly prefer Flipnote (both DSi and 3DS) to Colours even though there's less features, dunno why tho.

That's it for now though.
I'll see y'all tomorrow.
Bye for now.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Inktober 2: Day Two


that cupcake is poisoned. who will he serve it to? i dunno i didn't think that far. and yes the lines on his chest that look like stitches are intentional.  it's a really small detail but my headcanon design for Tord has the trans man chest stitches. he's just a trans bby boi.

I drew this in fucking Flipnote Hatena on a DSi fucking hell

and yes this is technically edited
just to make it transparent and fix a few red pixels outside the lines that i missed on the DSi.

I'll see y'all tomorrow, probably w another DSi image... maybe on the 3DS w/ Colours 3D instead...?
I think I said in the last post but my Cintiq's power cord went fucked so y'know, it'll probably look like trash, being done on a DS and all.
That's it for right now, though!

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Inktober but I couldn't find a funny joke about the number two so you'll just have to suffer with the format of "Inktober 2: Day [number]" in the title from here on out: Day 1

 In which the title is so long that it's basically its own fuckin' post.

"what aren't the steaks? what don't they? you won't know, because here at le fancy restaurant, the steaks aren't! seriously, stop asking, because they just aren't." -le fancy restaurant's chefs, probably.

Mmm-hmm. Wasn't planning on doing inktober but with only a few days of September left I decided "hey I'm gonna do that art thing that happens every October" and had to finish this trash today.

The only parts I'm proud of are the window in the background (more specifically, the sky and the burnt-out streetlight) and the fact that Emma and Eliza are there but that's just because I'm proud of the girls.
I guess I shouldn't even like the window that much since it's blurred to all hell, lmfao.

I might try and get Slime Climb done for a release at the end of October but the power cord to my Cintiq decided to die again and it wasn't even unplugged for a little too long this time so... y'know.

Well, that's it for today.
I'll see you tomorrow!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

From Pi Day...

 These are... seriously fuckin' late.
Also these are Pi Pie and Tau Pie.
With shots from multiple angles because I have no shame.

Pi was cherry flavour and I think Tau was peach? It's been a bit and this was really just a fun activity way back at the beginning of the year.

I did plan to post these on Pi Day, but I wound up kinda... not doing that.
Excuse the wonky timestamps, by the way, the camera I was using has the wrong date and I don't know how to set it to the right one.

And no, don't worry, this isn't going to become a photography blog. I've just been procrastinating on all the shit that actually matters.

I'm also currently away from my house for a bit, so I don't have access to my Cintiq, and I forgot to bring my Intuos along, so I can't do any art even if I wanted to.

And yes, the cats are all over my stuff, stepping on my keyboard and all, just like they were the last time I was here.

Guess that's it for now though.
See y'all whenever.