Sunday, July 26, 2020

fuck you it's another redraw

This isn'y an announcement for Slime Climb, obviously.
I haven't signed this.
But only because I forgot to, lol.

Version one. I really like this one.
Version two. Looks kinda weird tbh.
Version three. Windshield, no gradient. Follows the way the rest of the redraws look.

The thing I redrew:
G o r l s

The thing that's a redraw of:
Sarah's tits are still the only good part about this. And round Mary is still fucking cursed.

Tripling it, that is a redraw of this:
oh shit that's right sarah is a scientist.

And that was initially this:
Base by EddsWorld-Base on Deviantart.

Which was this (or I guess these since later I used a different screenshot):
Base & first redraw.

The later one.
Legacy!Eddsworld. It's balls.

Go watch Classic, because at least the animation knew what the fuck it was doing.
And no, Space Face does not count as Classic just because the first part is technically a Classic episode. The second part is a Legacy episode, and the first of the Legacy episodes, at that. It exists in a weird limbo between Classic!Eddsworld and Legacy!Eddsworld, and just because of technicalities does not make it count as Legacy either.

I'd do the rest of the obligatory rant about Legacy but I already did that a few posts ago.

This is all I have for now.
See y'all eventually, I guess.
Bye for now, though!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I'm gonna call these "Life in Kaleido" since, well, I put a kaleidoscope (that came with a tent of all things) up to the camera of an iPad and got some really nice images. Also it's kinda expected to have "Life in/of" as part of the title for dumb photography stuff like this, soo...

Anyways, onto the photos!

Looks like purple limbs. Of what type, I will not say. But it usually does not come in pairs, I'll tell ya that. ;)

Dunno. Maybe call it Golden Clovers? But they aren't really four-leafed, it's either 6 leaves or 3 of the weird heart-shaped ones depending on how you look at it.

Excuse the awful quality of this one, I had to screw with the image a ton after realizing it wasn't the best quality. It was also the first image I took, no idea why it uploaded as the third.

This one also looks nice. It looks kinda like flowers. Red flowers. With blue leaves. I think I like this one almost the best.
This one has a triangle, I guess.

Aaaanyways... that's literally it for this post.
Light on substance, mostly because I just had a spur of the moment "hey I could post these!" thing happen.
Sorry it isn't Slime Climb or anything that anybody wants, but motivation is just kinda... really ridiculously hard to find right now.
I guess I'll see y'all in the next post.
If I make one, that is.
As I said, hard to find motivation to actually do stuff.
This sucks.
Bye for now, though.