Saturday, September 19, 2020

From Pi Day...

 These are... seriously fuckin' late.
Also these are Pi Pie and Tau Pie.
With shots from multiple angles because I have no shame.

Pi was cherry flavour and I think Tau was peach? It's been a bit and this was really just a fun activity way back at the beginning of the year.

I did plan to post these on Pi Day, but I wound up kinda... not doing that.
Excuse the wonky timestamps, by the way, the camera I was using has the wrong date and I don't know how to set it to the right one.

And no, don't worry, this isn't going to become a photography blog. I've just been procrastinating on all the shit that actually matters.

I'm also currently away from my house for a bit, so I don't have access to my Cintiq, and I forgot to bring my Intuos along, so I can't do any art even if I wanted to.

And yes, the cats are all over my stuff, stepping on my keyboard and all, just like they were the last time I was here.

Guess that's it for now though.
See y'all whenever.