Friday, January 31, 2020


So... you know that "Sparkledog" art meme from a while back? (Like, a while back. Site I found the template on said it was from 2009).

be warned... the instruction for what you do with the seventh colour is where it all goes to hell.
That's the blank template (though I did use it.)

Wanna see the one I completed?


i told you the seventh colour step was where things got wild.
Here it is!

In other words: Never ever trust me to do an art meme where I am pretty much given complete freedom with ANY of the colours. Because then, well, pink stripes happen.

And the purple toe thing is the marking for the legs because I didn't think of the stripes until I had already gotten to the "Use seven in any way that you desire" step.

Also, yes, the "tail marking and use tail marking anywhere else" is on the stomach too. It was gonna be blue rather than the weird seafoam-y colour, but I had already used blue elsewhere (it's because the closest thing to me is my flamingo notebook, but I could only choose one colour from it so I chose blue) and didn't wanna wind up reusing a colour, sooo...

I think this bitch might just wind up becoming an Emmasworld character (probably as part of the sort of [well, that's spoilers] that Emma [spoilers spoilers and more spoilers], but [spoilers] so then the [haven't decided yet on how but it is spoilers regardless] happens and then she has the fucked-up face and then becomes [spoooiilleerrss].)

This becoming a character is more formally known as "being placed in the series where ideas die". Obviously, if this does become a character, it will not be a direct "Sparkledog", but rather as the sort of opposite to [if I reveal which character it will be spoilers], complete with the ability to [spoilers, as it gives away which character it is].
It's probably not even gonna be a dog, maybe a fox or something, just with the colours and the markings from here... and this isn't a spoiler because A. haven't decided on species yet, and B. it's useless to really spoil it out when I've already spoiled the design and stuff.

I mean, if I could find someone to voice Eliza, then maybe I wouldn't be stuck writing "[spoilers]" or some variant of it where anything that happens later in the series would go.

Also, Silver is missing a voice actor but that's not important until I get all the stuff for the [spoily spoiling spoilers] episodes done (and by that I mean the script), lol.

Thursday, January 30, 2020


Okay, because the views seemed to have stopped coming in once I set the Xbox Startup Effects video to "for kids", my channel is now entirely adults-only.

Yes, I know it's fucking hypocritical of my to do this, as it implies that I am an adult myself, even though I am just turning 13 this year.

We need an "all ages" setting for this, sort of the grey area between kids-content and adults-content, so I can have videos like the Startup Effects shit and, you know, not have to set my whole-ass fucking channel to adults-only just to keep getting views on my Startup Effects shit (because, for some ungodly reason, that shit gets the most views. Why not, oh I don't know, my actual fucking content?!).

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


The blog isn't dead yay

I've been trying to work on some art, but I keep being like "meh, let's take a break to look at a funny video or two on YouTube" and then being sucked into an endless rabbit hole of watching videos and then I never get anything done.

I am honestly impressed I fuckin' finished this video though, considering I suck at doing art-related stuff for more than a few minutes before getting distracted.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

"Just throw a bunch of ideas into a sketch and see if it turns out good".

Mary is drawn the way she is here because... fuck you. Also, stylization or something like that.
This year is going to be great...
...In a "I'm being optimistic about this year because I need hope that at some point my art won't completely suck" kind of way, that is.

Also, not kidding, the title of this post is literally why this image exists.
If I didn't just stick a ton of "hey, this would maybe possibly be okay of a thing to draw" sorts of ideas into one sketch and blindly hope it was going to be alright, this drawing right here, hell, most of the drawings I've done recently, wouldn't exist.
(And no, nothing from before October 1st of 2019 counts as "recent", because the whole reason I took the break was because all my old shit sucked and I needed an excuse to bury it under a bunch of different posts.)

And I guess I should show the sketch too...

I actually fucked up with the hair and used Mary's old hairstyle (didn't have the wonky-ass pigtails) for this. In my defense though, I had an interesting YouTube video on in the background, and I was only half-paying attention to the sketch.
And to answer all the questions that will likely arise from the date/time of the sketch being 12/31/19 at 7:45 PM...
1. Yes, this sketch was done last year.
2. Yes, I completed the actual image the same day.
3. Yes, this blog post is a scheduled post set to appear later, and...
4. Yes, I would currently like to die.
4b.Because the Intuos still sucks and it was actually really hard to do straight lines with the fucker in the final image.

Well, anyways, I guess that's all for today.
I'll see you in the next post!
Bye for now!