Saturday, November 30, 2019

What do I even put here?

I have not been active on my blog in a billion years I swear-

Fun fact: while drawing this, I had to look at the grass to figure out which side I was currently working on, because it was the only bit that I fucked up on, so you can see sort of a split in the grass.
See if you can spot the birds in the trees! :3

Saturday, November 16, 2019

[Insert witty joke here]

The actual image itself
The only part of the image that looks good in my opinion.

Killed my right hand doin' this BG, lol. 

Inktober still has me slightly panicking about what to post and it's already far enough into November that I should be used to this year's Inktober bein' over, lol.

But the blog isn't dead, I'm just happy to finally be able to procrastinate, lmao.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hey look, I still have trouble titleing things!

Gah why does the shading look so good?
All jokes in the title and the little caption-y thing on the image aside, I like how this turned out.

However, at first, that wasn't the case.

See, the original sketch for this image had everyone laying on the ground instead. (I actually used an image of myself as reference).
But a little spark of brilliance (or stupidity, depending on how you view it) shot through me and I was like "Hey, what if they were standing up and Eliza was just straight up defying the laws of physics?".

So, after finishing the background (which was not a simple task at all), I realize something.  
Something very important.
"Wait, shit. Wasn't this supposed to be autumn or something?".

But it was too late.

I'd already done the background, and I was not going to redo all of that to make it look like autumn.
Plus I'd already finished the shading with this background in mind, and again, I didn't feel too keen on doing all of that mess again just because I had to do an entirely separate background.

So, in a tired, half-soda fueled haste, I slapped some leaves on with a brush I made in Krita, saved that shit, and called it a day.

But it was very obvious that the leaves I added were just a brush that I created out of a stock photo and the realization I could make brushes in Krita just like I could in Photoshop.

And because of that, I couldn't actually do any shading to the leaves.
If you looked at the original, titled "girlsinautmn.png" (and yes, spelled just like that), the leaves actually collected into this sort of mass of chaotic tree-toppings because I guess I didn't set a certain brush setting or something like that.

I had already saved this, but with the leaves, so I couldn't go back and edit it.
I remembered I actually had a backup on this little USB drive. (What do you kids call 'em these days? Flash drives? Thumb drives? Pen drives? USB Sticks?).
And so once again, backups prove to be the saviour of all!

Moral of the story? Back your shit up somewhere, in case the final result ends up looking like complete garbage after you change one thing about it.