Monday, August 2, 2021


 nowhere else to post, so i'll just post it all here.
and maybe i'll pretend that there really are people out there looking at my garbage, admiring it.
even though i know that in this void there is only me.
so, let's start off with a few drawings. nothing worthwhile, just some mlp fanart. it's been a while since i did such, after all - and at least the drawings are originally mine this time, you can tell because they're absolute garbage.

you know, i was going to draw applejack more muscular, she does spend all day kicking trees, no reason for her to be all dainty and proper-lookin' like she is in the show - but i realised i had no idea how to draw horses, much less muscular horses so i just settled for the unkempt fur instead to show that, yknow, she's a farmpony or whatever.

rainbow dash. mostly an excuse to draw a wing in an odd pose, i'll admit. she turned out decent enough though, i guess.

fluttershy. not much to say here, except she's actually the first i drew. the filenames go alphabetically, however, so in uploading it's actually been reversed. it should go fluttershy, rainbow dash, applejack - but 'aj.png' and 'dashie.png' are, alphabetically, higher than 'flutters.png' so... yknow.

so, that's all the way of recent art, yeah?
at least, art that's mine.
i had another thing but it was unfinished and i lost the file, so... you'll never get to see it.
but enough of that now, let's go into my garbage edits.
this time, i'll show you the original screenshot first.
i don't have a burning hatred for legacy anymore. it's dumb, but it's fun-dumb. the new object of my hate is beyond because it goes above and beyond (heh) to cement itself as the absolute worst era of eddsworld, and nothing encapsulates that better than fucking beaster bunny. yeah that's right, i said it - the first proper non-short episode of beyond is fucking garbage and i hope that for the sake of not continuing to utterly soil the good name of the series that they don't fucking ever do more. though on the other hand. i am morbidly curious to see what new and... interesting directions they'll take this hellseries next.

and now let's get into edits.
so, first up, and spoilers here but - no eyebrows. well, to be more specific (although really, who cares?) - normal eyebrows.
that's it. that's the joke.
you know, unrelated to the edit - there was a spider in my room a bit ago.
this solves the mystery of how i got that fuckin itchy bump on my leg a while back.
and so now, as i write this, i am now acutely aware of every little itch and pinch on my body, and am hoping to god that it's not another fucking spider.
anyways - next up, because god has forsaken all of us, a pauxpat edit.
literally the only hint this is paupat, if you saw this out of context - is... fucking nothing. you can't tell this is supposed to be paupat without me fucking saying it because whoops i accidentally a subtlety. now if only i could make pairings more subtle in my fucking garbage-ass fanfics.

now we have... an edit where i remove pat. that's it.
i don't know what compelled me to make this edit, all i know is that i made it. i guess i thought it would be funny or something? like 'oh ahaha look, no pat. only pau. he's alone in the plane'. but now looking at it, it's just kind of... sad.

i have seen this screenshot so many goddamned times while editing it since i managed so much mileage out of the funy pilot men that i fucking hate it now.
 and the sequel, where pau turns out to have just been lingering in the plane for a bit after pat left.
it's over. the plane finally landed. after 8 years straight (snogre came out in 2013, apparently) it's done. they're gone. there's nobody here now. and it's all okay, we can all go home now.

how did they even have a desk fan plugged in on a plane in the first place? it doesn't make sense.
but to be fair, eddsworld never makes sense. it's fun like that.

i'm also doing some trash pixel art in minecraft... recreations of art i like, i did one tord already, a while ago. then i had to stop on the other tord since the updated file is on my macbook and the keyboard is still dead there so i can't log in and get it. now i'm doing pay from the typo au - first one done and now the second one is slowly coming along.
i just wish i could show the pixels here, but alas, the screenshots are on my xbox and you'd probably just think it was worldedit or commands or something anyways. everyone else did, af ter all.
because nobody appreciates the actual work that goes into the things i do.
as a matter of fact, nobody appreciates anything i do at all.

... know, if you read my blog from the first ever post to now, you can see me slowly slide into depression? it goes from 'yay everything is awesome i have a blog!!! :D ' to 'sorry i haven't posted much. i have no motivation and i don't know why!' to 'i am very deeply sad but literally who gives a flying fuck. also here's some shit i did or whatever'.


shi disappeared. i guess i've no reason to continue working on that werewolf ell animation. shame, though, they seemed to like my work... hell of a first.


there probably won't be an inktober this year, sorry to disappoint. last year's was a mess, all those posts are backdated such that they all appear as if i posted them on time when you view them together now, but while it was ongoing, i was missing deadlines for the days all over - and when i wasn't, it was just barely so. my sleep schedule was already a total mess that month, and inktober made it worse. i'd regularly pass out only to wake up with my devices scattered around me, checking to make sure that it was still the same day i fell asleep and that i didn't wind up sleeping two entire days off... though at multiple points, i was so goddamn exhausted, both mentally and physically, that i wished i could sleep for two days straight. and probably even longer.


you know, i don't know why i still post here. i say it a lot but i really, honestly, genuinely don't. is it a cathartic release, somewhere to get my thoughts down without a ridiculous character limit? is it some vain hope that someone, somewhere will read this? is it just boredom, gnawing away at me until i find something to do, some way to distract? i'm not sure. all i really know is there's long gaps between posts and my most recent have all been large, dump-style posts that would likely be far better suited for tumblr or the like.
i'm fourteen now.
nothing's really changed at all.
i guess i should have expected that.

still banned in prm.
lexi shared screenshots.
thought i had a right to know, she says.
they speak of me there as though my name is a forbidden word.


that's all i guess.
whenever i post next, be fucking ready. or don't. not like it matters. i don't post anything life-changingly incredible, anyways.
all i post is whatever trash i have.

or, no...
...better yet - all i post is shreds of hope.

or something poetic like that.
