Sunday, February 23, 2020

Another Fucking Redraw

Okay, I know I missed posting on Valentine's Day, but I just had like, no fucking motivation or ideas, but then, all of a sudden, at least for a little while, I had like, all the motivation, so... I did a redraw of something really fucking old to show that I still remember that this blog exists have improved at drawing... or whatever.

The original image:
I found the base I used for this on DeviantArt years ago, it's a Microsoft Paint editable version of a Draw The Squad, the image that was changed to be usable in MS Paint was probably from somewhere on Tumblr, and I don't feel like doing any digging to try and find the original.

Simply put, it sucks balls.
Also what the hell is up with Peach Pal's skirt (And why did I name her Peach Pal?)
Same with Carrot Flair over there and her poofy hair. Like, how did "puffy orange hair" mean her name was fucking Carrot Flair besides being orange? Like, I swear, the thought process was "Carrots. Carrots have flair. Carrot Flair.", like jeez.
Also that's not how hair works. Not in the least.

The redraw:

Look at this shit. Motherfuckin' improvement. Like, what the shit happened here? This looks like I actually tried!

It's art. It's good art.
What more can I say here.
the wings were a last-minute addition, as was the tail.
if you can read this tiny text, don't tell anyone who you show this to about that.
Also, shoutout to that single fucking cloud in the background before I had almost immediately gotten bored of drawing clouds, 'cause that fucker took effort.

Unshaded version:
It looks better like this, tbh. But only slightly.

Something about having a background and stuff but no shading makes this look kinda awkward.
...Probably the fact that you can see Peach Pal's shoes under the grass.
Also I just noticed that I fucked up the colour of the sky, it's like, a darker blue than I usually make it.
it's definitely not because I was gonna make it dark green for a forest-y background, but then realized that'd look weird with the bit of light at the top, as a forest implies tall-ass trees blocking out the sunlight because they're so tall and leaf-y and tree-y, and forgot to brighten up the blue.

Well, that's all I've done in... a while...
But this is the end of the post.
See ya... eventually.
Bye for now!