Thursday, May 28, 2020


Okay, okay, okay.
I know I have actual stuff to post.

I know I'm supposed to keep my blog & YouTube channel from... basically disappearing into the void forever and ever and ever.

But I've started work on animating Slime Climb.

You know, the episode I've been promising and promising is going to be done soon.
And my god, it is annoying as fuck, both the continuous 'i'm gonna do it!' and the actual animation.
You wanna know how many frames of animation that I've gotten done?
One. Literally. Just. One.
And after putting together all the audio files, Slime Climb is seven minutes and seventeen seconds long.

I've done some cool-ish stuff, like... y'know, cooked bacon with a hair straightener (which totally worked, btw. and it was delicious.) and I've been meaning to upload the video and post the extra pictures.

But Slime Climb has... kinda taken all my motivation to do anything else.

Oh, and you know that Pokemon romhack? The one titled 'Vietnamese Crystal' even though some of the bits that didn't translate would leave me to believe that it's actually a Chinese romhack of the Japanese version of Crystal that was thrown through Google Translate twice (once for Chinese, once for English)? I beat the first gym and am actually making more progress in the aforementioned romhack, from the town with the flying-type gym, to the next town (and no, I don't remember what the towns are called, either in regular Crystal or the hack.) and I got the egg that hatches into Togepi.
Also for some reason in Bellsprout Tower some of the NPCs say that it's for Pokemon (which are either 'Pocket/Pocker/Pocken Monster', 'Monster', 'Elf', or 'Elf Monster' for some goddamn reason) to practise[sic] buddhism, which is just whack as fuck. Almost as wack putting things into the bag bringing up a dialogue stating "[Player, mine's Lance]! [Item] bag fuck!". Also Quilava's species name is 'Madam', Caterpie is 'Pedal', Pidgey is 'Lap', and Poliwhirl is (and I had to check a screenshot I have for this because it's ridiculous) 'Nilem'.

They also never translated grass so instead of being 'grass' it just says, in plain English letters, 'caocun', and I only know it's grass because I've played regular Crystal once and the original dialogues involved grass, plus context clues like 'hunting for elf in caocun', likely a fucked-up translation of "Hunting for wild Pokemon in the grass".

Also, '[item] bag fuck', 'friends store', 'so profound book', 'volcano bakemeat', and 'everyone call me elf monster' are my favourite things in this hack so far.
Especially 'volcano bakemeat' because I would sincerely like to know what the fuck kinda food 'volcano bakemeat' is, exactly.

Maybe really spicy bacon? You technically bake bacon if you cook it with an oven.
Then again, it could be something really fucking cool.

Anyways, all that sounds cool, right?

...eeeeeexcept for the fact that it proves that I have more motivation to play a poor translation of Pokemon Crystal than I do to fucking animate Slime Climb.

And I know that you're probably wondering now... "why is the title 'tordle' if it's a long, dumb, text post?" and, well, that's because...

I drew Tord!

...Although, it's less 'drew' and more 'fucked around with the curve tool in MS Paint until I got something half-passable as art', sooo...

Anyways... that is the only thing for... some time, most likely.

See ya whenever...!


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Redraw Of A Redraw Of A Redraw Of A Base Edit Of A Screenshot

Let's get right into this fucker.


what is mary thinking? you'll never know!
Favourite one so far.

Although I totally fucked up Emma's one ear.

Also... look there's boobs.

I did this with Krita, obviously.
it's the best art tool out there

ugh my god this sucks
Mary without pointiness is fucking cursed.

Also, that hair could have been better but apparently I had no fucking clue how to draw hair when I did this.

Done in Krita.

Those worms have more personality than TBaTF Tord, just sayin'.
Pretty much just traced the screenshot. It sucks ass. And has my old name as the signature because I fucking sucked back then. Realizing that I was, well... me was also the reason why, for a while there, I stopped signing my art.

This one was done in Photoshop, so it extra sucks.

Base Edit:

why the fuck did I not know how to draw hair seriously
Mary is extra cursed here. She doesn't have the pigtails, agh-
This also just sucks.

It was done in MS Paint.

Screenshot from the later two redraws:

Legacy!Eddsworld still sucks.

Original Screenshot:

i mean, at the very least, Edd and Tom have different expressions here. doesn't say much though because it's still Legacy.
 If you can't tell by now, every time anything Legacy related shows up here, I'm pretty much going to be a salty shit about it. I mean, first off, they brought back Tord for the final episode because the fans wanted him back in since he'd left in 25 ft Under the Seat and nobody working on Legacy really gave a shit about the last episode as far as I can tell, which in and of itself was disrespectful to Tord, who said he didn't want his character to be used again, at least not officially, and just in general he didn't want to be associated with Eddsworld after he left. But then they go "hey you know those jokes from like two scenes in two totally different Classic episodes? Yeah let's make that an actual character trait." and then just totally ruined Tord's entire character. And then... there's the animation. Which, sticking just to The End, it's trash. My favourite game every time I watch this episode (if I were legally old enough, it'd be a drinking game, but I'm like 13 so I just sit there and I'm quietly like 'there's one!') is 'spot the animation errors' (which there are a ton of). And there's a drop in quality between The End Part 1 and The End Part 2, which someone once told me was because they were 'returning to the old artstyle' but Part 2 looks nothing like any of the styles from Classic (which, yeah, Classic has a couple distinct styles for each kinda era, as Edd was getting better at art and animation as the series progressed), unless there was some misunderstanding and they thought I meant that part at the last scene of Part 1 where Tord is at the window like >:D and he goes from that godawful bean-smile (which, by the way, does not work for evil expressions like that) to Edd's style, which first off: we get it, you skimmed through Classic for references to throw into the attic and adventure-montage scenes, and now you know the artstyle a little bit. And secondly: fuck you.
But I meant between the first and second parts in general, it's like they spent most of the budget for that episode on the first part and since they had to go through a script change (or so that one post on Tom's tumblr says) since one of the voice actors suddenly went and moved away (emails exist, dicklord.) they decided instead they were gonna spend the rest of the budget on the scenes with the giant robot.
Also, apparently while the episode was being produced, everyone working on it decided to fake some screenshots of some unfinished animation for The End where instead of Tord, it was that one fucker from Hammer and Fail instead, which would have been a far more interesting premise than "hurr-de-durr, Tord is evil.", but you know. Had to go with that... for some reason.
Oh, and in that one scene, where Edd goes "I can't believe Tord is leaving."? They ripped that line straight from 25 ft Under the Seat, which makes it really jarring when Tom, Matt, and Tord got lines added in for... whatever the hell the plot for The End was supposed to be, I guess... and they've got totally different voices from Classic (which, at least in Matt and Tom's case, could be attributed to them getting a fair bit older) and then Edd's just got his original voice for one scene, like, was the guy who suddenly moved Edd's new actor (Tim Hautekeit... fuck if I know how to spell that last bit, probably got it wrong)? And did they add that scene long after the script change and after most of the episode was already done and so they just had to take the original audio rather than re-dubbing it? It'd've probably still been weird as hell, some guy mimicking Classic's style just for that scene and everyone having different voices, but at least it probably would've sounded less awkward.

...Shit, did I start ranting?
Eh, whatever.

Anyways, that's all for now!
I'll see y'all in the next post!
Bye for now!